Composer Perry Foster weaves together traditions, rhythms, and melodies from his experiences in the American Southwest to Eastern Europe (and beyond) - embracing the complexity of modern Jewish music. LETZ blends folk heart with formal art - from dance hall jams to ballet theatre and film.

The LETZ ensemble features three artists of their own merit:

Odetta Hartman on violin, Jamie Mohamdein on bass, and Perry Foster on guitar.

Most recently the ensemble performed at Frederic Church’s Olana as the sunset beyond the Catskill Mountains.

LETZ is working on much at the moment:

  • A record release of original repertoire

  • Debuting theatrical works:

    • Ballet: The Dybbuk, The Golem, and The Purimspeil

    • Film: The Way of a Rogue

Listen to a sample song here.


Recent Releases


Song to the Moon